
Job Search Assistance

Call (920) 236-5205 or email to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins welcome if space is available. Get help with resumes and cover letters, interview skills, career counseling, unemployment insurance, and more! Stop by the Second Floor desk to let them know you've arrived.

Presented in partnership with the Fox Valley Job Center, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, and the Society for Human Resource Management.

Mini Job Fair

Connect with up to ten local employers to discuss job opportunities within their organizations. Bring your resume and personality and speak to company representatives. Thanks to Fox Valley Job Center for supporting this event. Visit for more information about employment opportunities and other hiring events. This event takes place in the library's lower level.

NaNoWriMo 2024: Into the Home Stretch

The race is nearly over. The finish line is in sight. Don your writing caps (think Kentucky Derby with a writer’s twist – there will be prizes for creativity) and head into the holidays with a plan for a solid NaNoWriMo finish. Under the Dome

National Novel Writing Month is the largest writing project on the planet! We’ll give you tips and tricks to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. Think you can’t do it? Yes, you can!



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