Get a Library Card

A free library card is available to all ages. You can borrow items from any of the 30 libraries in the Winnefox Library System with an Oshkosh Public Library card. A valid library card also allows you to renew and place holds on books and other items online, log on to computers at the library and use the library's online resources from anywhere, including free digital materials and streaming. Call 920.236.5203 for more information.

How to apply in person: Bring one piece of identification with your name and current address and fill out an application at the library's Circulation Desk on the first floor of Oshkosh Public Library at 106 Washington Avenue. Receive your card immediately! (If your identification does not show your current address, we will mail the card to verify the address.)


Front and back of the OPL library card

How to apply online: Individuals at least 16 years old may apply for a library card online. Online applications give you immediate, temporary access to place holds in the catalog and to access some electronic resources. 

Receive your permanent card by bringing one piece of identification with your name and current address and signing an application at the library's Circulation Desk on the first floor of Oshkosh Public Library at 106 Washington Avenue.

My card expired! What do I do?

We ask that you renew your library card every 16 months by updating your contact information with us. This ensures that you receive notices about due dates for materials, holds you have placed and other information about your library account. The expiration date for your card is listed when you log into your account online and patrons who sign up for email or text notices will receive a notice approximately two weeks before the card is set to expire. 

  • In person at the library.
  • By telephone at (920) 236-5203.
  • Online (only available if none of your contact information has changed). Log into your account. The option to renew only shows shortly before and after your card expires. If you need to change your address or other information, please visit the library or call (920) 236-5203 to renew.


Get a Replacement Library Card

If you've lost your library card, please let us know right away; You are responsible for all items checked out on your card until it is reported lost or stolen. Replacement cards are $1 for adults; 50 cents for children. Visit the Circulation Desk to get a replacement card.

Spark Your Story at the Library!

We're so happy you've decided to get a library card. Explore everything you can do with your card by visiting the menu items above (About, Borrowing, Events, Services, and Research & Learn). See the answers to the most common questions below:

  • Everybody has a right to use library services. 
  • Oshkosh Public Library takes your privacy seriously: Confidentiality of Library Records
  • Different materials can be checked out for different lengths of time. 
  • There are some fines and fees associated with lost and damaged materials. 
  • Oshkosh Public Library sends courtesy notices regarding due dates and lost materials. If items are 45 days overdue, a collection agency is used to help get the materials returned. 
  • The library reserves the right to determine and limit each borrower's library privileges.
  • Special arrangements can be made to obtain cards in certain situations. 

In compliance with Wisconsin Statute 43.30(4), the Oshkosh Public Library considers patrons aged 16 or older as entitled to the same privacy rights as adults regarding their library records, except in cases of lost or delinquent materials for which parents or guardians are financially responsible. For more details, please see our Confidentiality of Library Records Policy.

Youth under the age of 16 can use their library card just like adults. Parents who wish to set limits on their child’s account such as borrowing restrictions, access to materials, or limiting internet use to library computers with content filters, please visit us to complete a brief form and sign the Library Materials and Internet Access Form

  • If we have your email on file, you will receive email notices. Add your email address online by logging into your account or by calling the Circulation Desk at 920.236.5203.
  • If we do not have an email on file, you will receive automated phone notices.
  • You can also add text message notices using the library’s Shoutbomb text messaging service. 
  • There are two return slots just inside the front doors of the Oshkosh Public Library. One slot is for materials with discs and the other is for books.
  • An outdoor drive-up bookdrop is located on Mount Vernon Street (on the east side of the library).
  • An outdoor drive-up bookdrop is located at Evergreen Retirement Community, 1130 North Westfield Street. 

Contact us if you need help. If your library card doesn’t seem to be working for online resources, we’re here to help: