Electric Typewriter
Minimum Capacity
Maximum Capacity
Library Branch
Mulitpurpose Room
Oshkosh Public Library offers a Multipurpose Room, located on the library’s First Floor, that is available for public use by reservation. The multipurpose room includes one computer with internet access. Please check in at the Customer Service desk on the first floor of the library when you arrive for your appointment. Call 920.236.5203 with questions.
Electric Typewriter
An electric typewriter is available for use in the Multipurpose Room. If you are reserving the Multipurpose Room in order to use the electric typewriter, please let staff know when you check in for the room that you'd like to use it.
Includes: Computer, internet access, paper shredder (Out of Order), electric typewriter (By Request), and toys and books for small children
Long counter along wall with five chairs.